Moment in Time (originally submitted to ThisWeek News for publication November 19, 2014)
This photograph, from the Esther Koch Evans collection, shows Grandview Heights elementary students dressed as Pilgrims and Indians standing in front of the Grandview Public School (former Edison Intermediate School) with their teacher, possibly in the 1920's. Several of the boys in the upper right are not wearing Thanksgiving costumes but rather World War I "Doughboy" uniforms.
Moment in Time (originally submitted to ThisWeek News for publication September 24, 2014)
On May 4, 1920, Standard Oil purchased the property on the corner of West Fifth Avenue and Cambridge Boulevard, and Marble Cliff then had the first "filling station" in the area. The Sohio Station remained for 54 years. The property also housed Tompkins Ice Cream, operated by Gary and Freda Russell in the 1930s. The property currently is occupied by a number of businesses, including the Cambridge Tea House.
Moment in Time (originally submitted to ThisWeek News for publication October 29, 2014)
The 1976 Grandview Halloween Street Festival began on Saturday, October 30. Grandview Avenue, from First to Third Avenues, was closed with goblin Lynn Veach, Grandview Parks and Recreation Department Director (pictured here) and Nancy Paul, Recreation Leader, roaming the street in costume.
Moment in Time (originally submitted to ThisWeek News for publication May 7, 2014)
Liberty Bell Replica - Councilman Ralph Salzgaber (inset photo), Bicentennial Committee chairman for Grandview Heights, proudly displayed the 270 pound Liberty Bell replica ordered for the Grandview Heights-Marble Cliff Bicentennial celebration.