Alleyne Higgs Jones
These memories were recorded in 1975 by Alleyne Jones, relating the memories to her daughter Jeanne. They have been edited only to correct some misspellings and insert some commentary from the original document. A "family tree" is included to the right to show relationships discussed in the remembrances. Photos have been added to the narrative to illustrate references made by Alleyne.
Jeanne has asked me to write my "Memoirs" to inform and remind them of the "olden days".
My mother, Pleasant Johnson Barton, was from a line of Johnsons; Isaac Johnson, her grandfather, was a well-to-do (I think) man. I really knew very little about Mother's life because she never talked to me, and very little to Dad. Grandmother married John Crawford Barton when quite young. I gather she was prim and he loved dancing and music. Played the violin. Had a quarrel and she divorced him before Mother was born, (Aunt Belle, Mother's half-sister by John Barton And Matte.) I think Grandmother and Mother lived on the Johnson farm, near Wooster, Ohio, until he died (?) or it was time for high school? Grandmother (Rachel) and Mother had and apartment in Wooster. Mother learned at this time that her name was not Pleasie (as she was called) Johnson but Pleasie Barton. She was a very positive person so went by this name (Barton), from then. When graduated she worked in a Capt. Taylor's law office and was a very good court reporter.
Frank Higgs is shown with his two collies, Fuss and Feathers, and a photo of the Higgs' home at 1131 Paul Ave. (later 1219 Lincoln Road). This article was featured in the Norwester magazine. If you click on the photo, it will enlarge and you can read the article.
On a trip to Columbus, Ohio with her mother (I wonder why they came. Of course they used the railroad.) Packing a lunch, changing trains at Apple Creek or Bucyrus. I say this because I did this once when young (10?) after a visit to Cousin Ada (Addle) Strock and family. Mother was very close to these cousins (also the William Currys there). As I was saying, on a trip to Columbus, Mother met Dad (Frank Morgan Higgs) in McAllister and Mohler Furniture Co. She went home but Dad kept in touch. Imagine dating by railroad! They were married - they were older: she 36(?), he 40(?) - on New Years Eve, 1899. They lived on 11th Ave. for a while; moved to 1216 Fair Ave. I think Rachel Barton lived with them. I've wondered, did they own or rent? Rachel died in 1903 (what of, I wonder?) I was born August 7, 1904, at 4:30 p.m. - Pleasant Alleyne Higgs. When I was 2 we moved -1907 - to what was then 1131 Paul Ave - later became 1219 Lincoln Rd.
Dad was born and raised out of Wheeling, W. Va. on a farm (I guess) in a shacky house on a hill. "Alexander Point" (named for Dad's father, Alexander?) or Roney's Point. (That Alexander Point just popped into my head - do you suppose I made it up? I hadn't ever thought Alexander.) Dad went somewhere on the train to school. High school or business school? Oh, why didn't I ask questions? or maybe remember?
Charles, Louise and Dorothy Butterworth
Judge Pugh Home
The house on Lincoln Rd. was built in 1904 by the D.S. Field family, who then built and moved across the street from Butterworths and sold our house to us in 1907. At that time Charles F. Butterworth, wife Louise and daughter Dorothy (house built in 1903) lived next door. In the Sanford house (1911) Wm. Sullivan and family lived. Ross Marshall and wife and daughter Clara built in 1910 - the stone house across the street from us. Don't know dates of the other houses. Ray (Rhea) Waters, mother and Grandfather Dr. Kinsman - lived in Ries house when I was quite young. I remember when grandfather died. The hearse in front with horses with purple (could it be?) plumes at ears. In those days, funerals were always in the home and a wreath on the door.
On the corner of Wyandotte and First on the southwest corner lived Judge and Mrs. J.C.L. Pugh and her cousins the Rileys - Mary in teens, Lawrence at Aquinas High School - John at work, Gus, a drunk. We were very close friends. Mrs. Pugh made the best yellow layer cake with thick white coconut icing.
I was 3 when "Junior" (Dude), Frank Lott Higgs was born in the living room on Lincoln Rd. They had (I wonder now why? - or have I been wrong all these years?) moved her bed downstairs and Dad carried me on his shoulders (it was quite wet and muddy - remember, no paved streets or sidewalks) from the Pughs and I saw Dude. April 8, 1908.
Dude Higgs with Lindenberg kids
Harding School
Childhood was very happy and secure. Dad worked up through Sec. and V. Pres. of the furniture company, put most of the dividends back in the company. He evidently worked late quite a bit and we would meet him and go to supper (mostly Mills Restaraunt) then he would go back to work and mother and I to a movie. Getting home quite late on the street car. Probably 9 p.m. I have no idea where Junior was, these times. I'll bet Mary Riley "baby sat".
Those were the days when a child could get on the street car (5 cents) and go to market down town (north), with a list. A large market house with privately owned stalls. Vegetables, meat, cheese, hominy, coffee to be chosen, mixed if desired, and ground, horseradish, ground right there, fruit. I knew which stall to go to. Then to the street car (1/2 block). Sometimes Mother would go and shop and give the conductor her basket to sit on the back platform and he would put it off for me at my stop. I would be waiting and have my wagon with me. I'd play with Bob and Blanche Field, Clara Marshall, Dorothy Butterworth (Married Roy Sebring about 1940).
There was a 4-room brick school on Fairview Ave. where Kindergarten is now. Jonsie had his garden there after it was torn down. They had Sunday School there before the Little Church at Lincoln and First was built. I went to school there for 2 years until the Edison Bldg. was built across the street. As long as I can remember we went home for lunch. Though I do remember slipping on ice and falling and my lunch basket lid came off and a hard-boiled egg rolled out. I finished grade school in the Edison Bldg. There was no Jr. High Bldg. though we changed classes in 7th and 8th grades. Then back across the street to the "Harding" Bldg. (as they called it) for High School. Those were happy days! Though I wept when I got a D in Gen. Science the first month.
Ira Stanton Jones from a farm out of Thurman, Ohio (also called Centerville) came as coach and teacher in 1919, fresh from the army. Never got overseas, but taught bayonet and physical education mostly in Georgia. A graduate of Rio Grande College of Ohio. Great Grandfather came over from Wales.
Stanton Jones and 1921 girls basketball team. Alleyne is holding the ball
I was a sophomore and he also coached girl's basketball (of course Bonita Jamison chaperoned and handled the ball occasionally). For 3 wonderful years, my life centered around athletics. At that time, on Friday nights the girls played opponents from other small towns (Groveport, Hamilton Township, New Albany, Bexley, Canal Winchester) at 7 p.m. Then the boys at 8:00. Of course, we had no gym so went to town to city hall and practiced - when city hall burned down we went to Arlington. They had a small floor but no team. Their Juniors and Seniors graduated at Grandview at that time. Of course in the fall, was football and I was a cheerleader. We had a Booster Club and raised money for uniforms, etc. Bake sales, door to door selling season tickets. Baseball in the spring.
Jonsie's Maxwell
Dude in butterfly costume for 1922 Field Day parade
I forgot to mention - 1918 - Mother was very active in Red Cross Columbus in charge of making surgical dressings. I think she was gone every day. In 1919 I came home from school end mother had just finished washing 2 white collies, 6 week old puppies. Male and female, Fuss and Feathers. Fuss lived to be 6, Feathers 13. In winter and spring, the house on Lincoln Rd. was remodeled. Dining room and living room thrown together, porch and reception room combined, upstairs bedroom enlarged over former porch. Really a showplace. (It was after the war and times were booming.) Taupe wall-to-wall carpet, blue silkish lined drapes, new dining drop leaf table and Windsor chairs. Mother's and my room papered, yellow designs and gold curtains. It is interesting to wonder - Mother was no great cook - baked beans, donuts, wilted lettuce, and flaming plum pudding are all I can recall and with all the elegance, I don't remember a thing done to the kitchen.
In 1921 when I was 17, Mother had a big birthday dinner for me. The Women's Guild of Church, that summer, ran a tea room in basement of the Little Church, 20 guests. Mother bought 24? settings of china (floral-Syracuse) and irredescent goblets. I belonged to Aladdin Golf Club which was all west of Cambridge Blvd. Club house was back of where Lowell Riley lives. I took golf lessons from pro - Gil Morgan - "Be still my heart" then golf shop burned down. I was too frustrated at not being able to do well, I suppose, school started and so ended my golf career.
During my Junior and Senior years Jonsie and I had dated secretly (we thought). Then all through college. I started to OSU in 1920 in the Fall. By skin of my teeth and 2 friends, I was pledged to Delta Delta Delta Sorority and initiated in 1923. I'm afraid I wasn't a very good or valuable "sister" due to not quite "fitting" and my love affair. I did get them good publicity by winning my "O" for 1000 points won by making teams - hockey, basketball, baseball, tennis, gym.
At this time the Fields moved to Arlington (1923). Blanche had a dance studio and I "took" when I was a freshman. The girls also had dancing. Jeanne and Stan (Bucko) also went to Kindergarten with her. It was through Blanche that I got the job of washing and repairing swimming bags at the pool and so the kids could take lessons and have memberships.Dude in butterfly costume for 1922 Field Day parade
Sometime around 1915 Grandview celebrated Field Day every June on a Saturday. Contests in morning; parade in afternoon; street dance; movies etc. at night. Street people got together, picked a theme and made a float and/or marched in costume. Led by Mayor Ryder in funny outfit. Lincoln Rd. once was Pennies, Arabian Nights, butterflies (Mother made Dad a fancy one and took his picture and then he wouldn't go). This "died" about 1923.
It is said that Grandview got its street lights on Field Day 1923. This was the year that Grandfather Barton and his 2nd wife, Matie (Mary Lewis) visited us for a while and then Mother went back to N.Y. with them. They lived then (formerly at Creston, Ohio) with Aunt Belle (their daughter and Mother's half-sister). It seems Mother's Mother made her promise not to see or write to her father or Belle. So Mother waited until her Mother died and got in touch and were very fond of each other - all of them. Aunt Belle died March, 1974.
We got our first car - Buick - summer, 1923. 4 wheel brakes! Mother died Feb. 12, 1924. Cancer and heart, so I became a housekeeper.
Then we got a Packard and I spent Saturday and Sunday afternoons driving Dad madly all over Ohio. I had gone to summer school in the summers for lack of anything else to do. Middle class girls didn't work at jobs. So I graduated in Education Dec. 1925.
First Community Church
On Sept. 18, 1926 Jonsie and I were married at the big, new First Community Church. I was given showers by neighbors, the gang (7 girls), Tri Delts, St. Clair Hospital helpers (mother's group), Group C of church women. This was the year for brass and pink glass gifts. Group C gave the reception at the church. Rev. Oliver C. Weist married us. Irene Whisner Field and Frame Howell were our attendants. We went to Detroit on our honeymoon. We went to Windsor, Canada to the horse races, Detroit baseball game, and I went to a musical show while Jonsie played poker with the boys. We came home early to listen to the Dempsey-Firpo (I think) fight.* How could I be anything but sports minded? Mrs. Howell gave a rehearsal dinner at her house. I wore a yellow fine crepe dress and black suede shoes with a silver buckle. Mrs. Butterworth and Mrs. Constable made bouquets and decorated the church. They were paving and putting in curbs on Lincoln Rd. so I had to walk (3 blocks!) to church. Some people were shocked.
* Editor's Note: The fight referred to by Mrs. Jones was the famous Jack Dempsey/Gene Tunney fight in Philadelphia (9/23/26), not the Luis Firpo fight.
A life long friendship began when the Murray Hoffman family moved next door. Jane, Ann-13, Murray Jr., John, and Sally-5, in 1927 summer.
Joyce was born Feb. 5,1928. I almost called her Jocelyn. A person can't describe the joy of a new baby. The fun, amazement, work, colic, pride. 8 lb. 3/4 oz. Sunday afternoon, at 4:30 p.m.
Now I was Sec. of group C, joined neighborhood book club, and played bridge (?) with Tri Delt Alumnae. In 1929 Dude (not "Junior" since high school) went to Hanover College in Indiana for a year. Later to OSU and I believe flunked out. In 1933-34 or so he went back and graduated and was working on his masters in geology when finally accepted into Air Force. Graduated.
Crawford Jones, Jonsie's brother came from the farm and went to OSU and lived with us for 2 years. In Engineering. Finally went home to help father with farm.
In 1930, Jan. 16 - Thursday morning at 1:30 - Jean Ann was born. 7 lb. 1 oz. We did want a boy, but girl babies are nice. Much black curly hair (which Joyce cut off one day and it was never as curly again).
All this time, the Depression was creeping on us. Jonsie had quit school work and gone with Upper Arlington Co. selling real estate and no one was buying. Dad's furniture company went out of business and Dad lost everything in it. He had mortgaged the house to finance Dude and Packard. It was really horrible. Anyone who reads this, please put some bonds or money in the bank and forget about it so when the grocer, phone company, etc. wants money and you are broke, you can get by - maybe. Dad and Jonsie both finally got jobs with W.P.A. Jonsie also refereed, which helped.
On Sept. 7, 1933, Thursday 7 A.M., Stan was born at 8 and ¾ lb. This made it that all children were born at St. Clair Hospital, small, run by Dr. F. S. Lott (Dude was named Frank Lott after him. I was named Alleyne after Dr. Conrad Alleyne Howell who "brought" me.)
Terrible times - worry, worry but fun too. On Stan's (Bucko) first birthday, we decided to have a party. Mrs. B.F. Miller, across street, bought ice cream, cookies, kids all brought presents to Bucko in his buggy. Schnoors, Bob and Dick; Jr. Rhodes; Sally; Cy and Phil Miller; Jane Thompson.
Blanche Field (inset) and her studio on First Ave.
In 1935 or 37? Blanche Field Cochran Holmes had kindergarten and dance school in building on First Ave. between Fairview and Oakland Ave. Jeanne and Joyce took dancing and Jeanne went to Kindergarten. While Blanche gathered up children, Stan and I (in wagon or sled) went down and opened up and got the place warm. Later when Blanche built a new house nearby (at First and Ashland), Stan went full time to kindergarten. In those days, schools didn't have kindergarten. We also had to buy all textbooks. There were no such things as Room Mothers.
1286 Fairview
And wasn't "Beg Night" fun?
In Dec. 1938 Dad died, He had developed Angina and some cirrhosis of liver. In bed a couple of weeks. Buried in Greenlawn with Mother.
W.W. Williams Building
Either this year or next Dude sent $200 from China. He had trained at Randolph and Kelly Fields in Texas and spent time at Seifridge in Michigan. Oh, the thrill of going to airport before Christmas to meet him. Came in by himself in a P39 or P40? Once on a trip he "buzzed" Grandview and got grounded. With the $200 I suppose I paid some bills but mainly bought bikes for the girls - blue and red, $25.00 each. I don't believe you can appreciate such joy unless you've lived it yourself.
While we were at kindergarten in 37 (?) a bus came, replacing the streetcars. Now Jonsie had a job with State of Ohio driving and supervising painting bridges.
In 1940 Homeowners Loan foreclosed on the house. Having lived there so long, can you imagine my state, wanting to stay in Grandview? After many prayers and talking, I convinced Mrs. Rose Partridge to rent us half a double she owned. She knew our financial shape and we had a dog, Terry, a brown collie. We moved to 1286 Fairview Ave. on a snowy day on March 13, 1940. Right across from the schools. It seemed as though the world had ended - but really the years there were maybe happier than Lincoln Rd. Rent was $2.00 a month.
Jonsie went to W.W. Williams Co. in charge of maintenance of machinery. We got a dark red, 2-door Studebaker soon.
Dude came home in 1940 and 1942 but stayed at the Deshler Hotel.
Now life was indeed full. School, canning (remember Jonsie's garden down the street and the year Jeanne made $40.00 delivering tomatoes to customers). Mrs. Hoffman and I went to Filter Center to track suspicious planes. Such fun and I suspect very futile. Jeanne and Joyce belonged to L.A.L. Sorority, Stan in Rooks. Jeanne was a cheerleader and on queen's court at Homecoming. I belonged to Rook Mother's Club. Remember the Goodie Shop? Mrs. Hoffman had Bake Shop over on Grandview Ave. I helped cook at night and so most evenings about 6 P.M., Mrs. Hoffman, having closed shop and since she never sold leftovers the next day, would come with a tray - maybe pie cake, donuts, bread, cookies, eclairs.
Stan played on 8th grade team and Reserves so for many years. I would see 3 or 4 football games a week, 8th, Reserve, Varsity, and OSU. Stan played on basketball and baseball teams too and one year, in the summer, American Legion baseball. Football banquets, talent shows, Mr. Beery.
I was so worried about Stan. He stayed so small, and girls so tall! (He was 5'5" in 1948, at 14 years)
Dude in China
In 1945, Dude was killed in China, after the war, setting up a new air line for CNAC, flying supplies over the "Hump" during the war. I never did hear any details. "Buried on spot", nothing found. He had married a Scotch girl of Calcutta, Diana Menzies in 1944. She came to us to visit in spring of 1946. Now married to Richard Sweetman of Glenwood Springs, Colorado. (Diana died in 1975.)
In the fall of 1946, I went to work at the Deshler Hotel for 17 years, in guest history - fun! In Feb. 1947 I had a hysterectomy (non-malignant tumor, if you're interested.) At this time, Dad's sister Aunt Nannie died and estate divided many ways - I got $200.00. Bought record player. (Dad was one of 12 children, Nannie was one.)
Joyce had graduated from high school in 1946 and going to OSU. She worked some at Columbus Citizen newspaper and later met Alfred Alibrando and married him (1951). Jeanne graduated from high school in 1948 and to OSU. Joined Pi Beta Phi Sorority as a junior. Stan graduated from high school 1951 and to Miami of Ohio on football scholarship. I remember Mothers Days, sings, games, Betas.
My dates get vague now, so I can only ramble. When Jeanne graduated from OSU in Education she taught in Dayton Oakwood for 2 years and then to San Diego, California. While in Dayton, 1952, at Thanksgiving, she and I took train to Philadelphia to Army-Navy game. She didn't care for train so we flew home. My first flight. Then while in San Diego, she came home for Christmas (so air sick) and flew us back to L.A. for Rose Bowl game Ohio State and ?
(Editor's note: Mrs. Jones attended the 1955 OSU-USC Rose Bowl game).
Joyce at this time was living up on Nottingham Road in Arlington. She and Al had built house and just moved in when Julie was born. More colic! July 15, 1953.
1955 Stan graduated from Miami and due to AFROTC was 2nd Lt., ordered to Bermuda for 2 years. Next May, he paid for my flight to Bermuda. Wonderful, Bay cottage; tattoo; church; air base; Morris Minor. He got broken finger playing baseball.
I stopped at Washington D.C. on the way back where Joyce was waiting for Karen who was born June 13, 1957. I may not have been much use, except moral support, but I was able to be with all my grandchildren after they came.
Stan came home from Bermuda in Sept. 1957 and ended up teaching school in Wellston, Ohio for 2 years, where Jonsie's brother, Herbert was superintendant. Came back to teach at Grandview and was assistant coach. Married Joanne Nichols of Mansfield, Ohio and Ohio University. They lived in apartment at 970 Northwest Blvd at First Ave. Then bought a house at 1537 Grenoble Rd. in 1965. Stan, Jr. born 1961 on Northwest and Sue Ellyn 1964.
Jeanne met Robert Holder of Waterloo, Iowa and U. of Idaho in San Diego. They were married on August 6, 1955 and lived in Waterloo 1 year then to U. of Idaho at Moscow, Idaho. In a dorm as proctor and hostess then in an upstairs apartment on Spotswood, two apartments in Spokane, a house on 28th, and finally are at S. 2707 Rhyolite Rd. Bob is with Merrill Lynch.
Joyce and Al and girls moved. back to Washington D.C. around 1958 in apartment on Bradley Blvd; house on Elgar Rd. in Fairfax, Va.; houses on Exeter Rd. in Bethesda, Md.
Al was with Washington Star newspaper, then to NASA with Promotions. What a thrill watching space flights and moon landing. Joyce went to work with Montgomery County libraries and now on book mobile. She and Al divorced 1970, She has sold Exeter Rd. house and bought 7 acres and house 10 miles out of Frederick, Md. The girls are in Austin, Texas in Univ. of Texas, (Julie graduated in 1976 from college.)
Jonsie was with W.W. Williams Co. - sold and repaired road machinery. He was maintenance man for repair department. Quit in 1950. Went to Government Design Services at the Depot as a cataloger. Retired in 1968, died on Nov. 13, 1969. Hardening of arteries.
I was choir mother at First Community Church from 1938-1968, Lowell Riley was choir director. Girls were in his cloister choir -125 of them. Remember singing on Easter at the Palace? and in "Vaudvillities" at Arlington H.S. and later at Vets Memorial Hall (but you were gone by then.) Did you hear Beatrice Sletto sing her "Cling clang" lullaby then? I also worked at Deshler Hotel - "The Hotel at Broad and High Streets" - for 17 years. Hotel degenerated and I was laid off in May 1963. Hired by State Highway Dept., Survey Dept. Retired Oct. 1969. They were laying off and arthritis was very active. I always said that in both jobs, I got paid for having fun. Those were nice days, lunch hour, lunch counter, lunches; shopping Penneys, dime stores, Lazarus. Such gorgeous jewels to be had. Once when I sat in State House yard, an old man sat down and said they had a nice 69 cent lunch at Grays Drugstore. Of course it boosted my ego (or did it?) so I then changed to sit with the statue of Christopher Columbus at the City Hall.
I was only home 2 weeks (retired) when Jonsie died but I stayed on Fairview Ave. until the arthritis got so it wasn't sensible. I came to First Community Village where I have been most content and happy. I am fairly comfortable, how heavenly to look at dirty windows and dust in corners and know it's not up to me to clean it or have to shop and cook. I'm sure I must be a slob fundamentally.
Stan and Jo and family are here in Arlington for me to see. Stan has his own computer company on Goodale St. across from W.W. Williams Co. (Dyserv Corp). How many times I rode past on the bus and never "saw" the place or dreamed my "baby" would he a President! Sue Ellyn wrapped up in Tanya, her horse; Stan Jr. in hockey, a goalie.
Now, let's just reminisce. (Can you spell it any better?) As I have said, Charles F. Butterworth lived next door, always. Dorothy and her husband Roy Sebring still live there. Dorothy and I, though she is 6 years older, played together. I especially remember the House Books we made, She was artistic so hers was the envy of my life. Mrs. B.'s life was her garden. I finally succeeded in being able to tap on the window and Terry (collie) would get out of the yard. Along the side of our house, about 30 inches from the lot line was forbidden land. So tempting for kids to chase along. Also very useful for opening screen beside kitchen table and dumping vegetable out onto it when Mother was not looking.
I also think of this table the day of the Woehrle-Sims house fire on a windy fall day. Kids eating, fire engines come, we rush out, neighbors emptied most of Mrs. Sims' furniture into our garage and back of living room. When it was all over, of course the carrots were too cold to eat! Mrs. Sims as ''Thank you" gave girls new stockings and Stan a red one-piece outdoor coverall. A roomer with Mrs. Sims gave me a lovely green bottle of perfume (which I needed like a hole in the head.)
Mrs B. remained a friend until she died in 1970 at 99. She came for dinner on Sundays and holidays. Mr. B. was rather grouchy and longwinded. One day, he and Dad were talking over backside fence. Had been there for quite a while, so I opened the screen and yelled, "Dad, phone!" So he came in and said, "Thank you", Of course, there was no phone call.
As I said, Dad died in l938 - 74 years old. It was one of those nightmarish autumns. Dad in bed dying. I came home from babysitting Martha Gardner and smelled smoke. Jonsie asleep in front of radio. I searched. Paint on baseboard where fireplace had been closed up was bubbling. Had to go across to double where Hoffmans had moved to phone. (Our phone had been cut off. We owed as I remember, $25.) The fire dept. They chopped a hole in the wall and pulled glowing soot (remember, we had coal hot-air furnaces then). Hole in wall and big soot mark on carpet. (That carpet was put down in 1919 and still there when we left in 1940--worn in spots, of course. When you remember we raised 2 lively collie dogs, three children and before that high school friends dancing to the Victrola.) Then Jeanne was coasting down Singleton's terrace which was only 2 ft. high and broke a front tooth. Stan had chickenpox and couldn't go to Dad's funeral, And no money to pay loan or taxes.
Mrs. Hoffman (l can't call her Ruth) has been my best friend. Sally was 5 when they came. I was "expecting" Joyce. Murray Sr. dropped dead one fall day in the 30's I think. There were Jane, Ann, Murray Jr., John, and Sally. John had a pony, "Goldie" and with Elliot Tremaine, let kids ride. John was killed in 1937, teaching an English cadet to fly and crashed. Left a wife, Harriet and son, John. There was a dog, Betsy - short haired bird dog - really good, I was told - white with liver colored spots. Had 13 pups once. Ann and Jane were older than my kids so I didn't see much of them. Sally was wonderful with all our children. That big side porch was so nice. Mrs. H. started baking bread and party things. After Mr. H. died they moved across street into Woehrle house. Ann was married to Alan McGregor from there. Don't remember when Jane married Ben Capron. Later Mrs, H. moved up to 1401 Lincoln Rd. in a double house with Bampa (her father, Chas. Boardman Sr.) She had opened the Goodie Shop by then. She died Dec. 2, 1975.
When the Fields moved out to Arlington, the B.F. Millers moved in. They had "money" but not obviously. Tom married Elsie Yee who lived at Ries' for a while, is now a lawyer. Cy, not too bright, and Philip was Sally's age. The Thompsons lived down the street where Sanfords came later. Mr. Thompson a minister, Mrs. (so nice.) Mary, and girls: Kathryn, Louise, Jane. Jane and Sally were the same age. Many hours spent there by girls. One day, before Joyce was in school, I couldn't locate her; called; went over to Stew Harrisons on South Wyandotte; didn't try Thompsons because they'd be in school - but finally there she was. Louise home with a cold. I suppose I was scared is the reason I remember.
Another time I had given baby Stan his bath and laid him on couch and put him in bunting and picked him up to put in buggy and put outside. No buggy in room by front door where it was kept! Only thing was, the girls had taken it (aged 6 and 4). Finally, Marj Harrison called and said girls and buggy and large Teddy Bear were there. She was so shocked when she saw them coming. Thought they had the baby in there!
Stew Harrison's Restaurant
Stew and Marj Harrison were living with his folks there. He had opened a very small hamburger stand at Grandview and 5th Ave. There was a store room used as a church by Hexter's building on First Ave. and Stew moved it later and added it to original; then got a log cabin somewhere and added it; now it is very, very nice.
Next to Reis' lived an old maid, Louise Baer, an angular, French (at least "dear Mama" was French) she was different. Drove an old Ford sedan and talked with both hands when driving. She had a dog, Midge who got hit by car and Jonsie buried it in her back yard. Mrs. Sibley lived with her. Then Miss B. startled everyone by marrying Harry Abbot. They must have been 60 years old.
The John Boardmans moved to Bluff and Lincoln, around 1924(?) John was Mrs. H's brother. Eleanor ran Tri-Village News for years and now U.A. News. John Sr. died Feb. 1975. They have 2 sons - John Jr., Jeanne's age and Bill, 12 years younger. John Jr. is president of furniture factory in Va. Has 3 or 4 girls.
The Leonard Schnoors lived across from Thompsons. Dick and Bob. (Bob later married Nadys Lewis, Jeanne's buddy in high school.) Also Nancy. The Carrolls moved into Hoffman's house. James and Edith - the first Catholics I really knew - (no I had a friend - Mary Louise Brophy who lived out East, our mothers were friends in St. Clair Hospital. Workers sewed, etc. for hospital.) After one High Mass at Easter at the Cathedral with Mary Louise and Paddy Carroll's wedding to Dick Cleary, I never wanted to see a Catholic church again. The Carrolls were: Patricia, Jim, Murray, Suzzanne (Stan's age and so pretty) and Ellen (who became a nun). Close friends and a lovely family. Later Mr. and Mrs. separated and she went to Chicago. They left in 1949. I used to drive their car and take the neighborhood kids to the pool. Had to count them and one day came home without Billy Andrews. (He was Jeanne's age, had baby sister, Julia).
Mrs. C. was a demon housekeeper. I gathered Mr. C. was demanding. It seemed every time I drove their car into their garage, she was hanging clothes on spot on line. Murray was an imp. Threw apples off tree by Butterworth's garage at Roy and then apologized so sweetly when his mother brought him up. Also the time I caught he and Stan dancing on a chest of drawers in the garage. (I can't think why I was so upset since I'm sure it was being abandoned. Maybe because it seemed sacreligious, it having been Mother's.)
The Connors have been in our lives quite often. They and Uncle Bill moved across the street on Lincoln Rd. Grandma, Aunt Lo, Grandpa (he died soon of T.B.), Nancy, Mike, Jon; Nancy (Joyce's age). Jon was asthmatic and ended up in Colorado, healthy. The only two rolls of film I remember losing was one with Mike, Jon, and Bucko in Easter outfits in Connor driveway. Other was one with Joyce in cap and gown and Esther Wolverton Newell, Larry Connor's (the children's father) wife had died after Jon was born and Grandma (Grace Connor) raised children. Larry married shortly but kids wouldn't leave Grandma so he kept 2 houses. He was with Cols. Dispatch. They lived in many houses in Grandview, Next to, also across street from Deyo's; across from McCartys (remember redheaded Rachel McCarty and Virginia Stephenson?) After we had lived on Fairview Ave. some years, the Connors moved next door! Here Mike was quarterback on Stan's H.S. team (a year older I believe). What was that good friend's name? Also Larry Buening - how I worried about his bad influence on Bucko! It was while living here that Nancy married David Mock, a schoolmate, and he was soon killed in the war. She later married George Walter and lives at Bluff and Merrick.
It was while on Lincoln Rd. that we were given about a gallon of milk a day. The Fallons, who lived up in Marble Cliff had a cow. She was in Group C, had 5(?) children and knew we were poor. I used to take the wagon and Stan and girls and go and get it. Even made cottage cheese.
In the goodness of her heart, Margaret Penney some years younger than I and a long time resident of Grandview was starting to give piano lessons - so she took the girls free. Mrs. Penney was a member of Group C and a friend of Mother's - so you see, friendships live after you are gone.
Long's Drugs
While we were on Lincoln Rd., I suppose when Joyce was about 7th grade, we formed a Campfire group which lasted until the girls were sophomores and so blase that I couldn't find anything to interest them. It was an interesting group - about half Catholic. We seemed always to do something special on Friday or a Holy day. Food was a problem - tuna fish sandwiches. One year, to raise money, we sold Christmas wrappings. Mrs. France, Gebhart, and Carroll made packets. Marge France, Nanciann Donaldson, Ann Gebhart, Paddy Carroll, Aggie McGee, Jean DeMaria (died young), Flossie Will, Rosanne DouthItt, Nancy Connor, Jackie Henderson, Lucinda Magruder, Joyce, and Jeanne. (Rosalinda and Clotilda Robinson?)
Halloween on Grandview Avenue
Remember the McCanns - Ralph married Corky Lee. The McAllisters with 13 children. Lady of Victory Church. The Avenue - Long's Drugstore and the mobs of high schoolers in there. The Halloween celebration with the avenue blocked off. Stan winning a prize with the banana box he painted like Uncle Sam and wore.
The children started at Grandview pool in 1935. The Dispatch sponsored free lessons in late summer. We rode the streetcar. It went down Broadview to Goodale and on to High St. At 8:30 A.M. it is cold! Then when I got my "job" they went to the pool up to their high school years. When Stan was about 4 years old, he was afraid to jump in big pool so I donned a suit (borrowed from Mrs. Chas. Boardman) and in a week, he was over his fear. They all passed the Red Cross tests. Ask Jeanne about her life saving test (Larry Conaway was instructor). We always went from 10-12 A.M. until they were old enough to cross the "Desert" by themselves. And what a thrill to go after supper! When we first went, Stan was about 2. He wore red swim trunks. I was informed that men had to wear tops, too!
Now I will turn to Individuals:
Joyce didn't have any kindergarten. Blanche hadn't started, I guess (or didn't need me). But I'll never forget her first play - 2nd or 3rd grade - she was a tree. I was so proud. In school she and Nanciann Donaldson (Nardone) were really buddies. Both readers and early (freshman?) She got a job at the Dime Store on the Avenue, Cash's, then waiting table at Stew's Hamburger place - what mobs after games. I can remember when Stew raised sandwich prices to 9 cents and Marj objected.
Joyce was always the one who came dragging dogs home and insisting they followed her. After Terry the dog was gone, she found out that Virginia Lamneck, who lived in house in Lindenherg's woods, had some puppies. So she picked out "Jerry" - white, long hair, not big, brown spots. Soon a large brown collie came and stayed, much to Jonsie's disgust. Jerry was spayed but Shep must have loved her anyhow. He stayed until Jerry was killed in 1946 and then disappeared.
L.A.L. Sorority Hell Week
Joyce also belonged to L.A.L. high school sorority and I suppose they were seniors when they gave a rushing party in the deserted Urlin House - where Summit Chase now is. Marj France's mother was an Urlin. It was a huge house, high on a hill overlooking Columbus in Grandview. Those kids cleaned it up; I made roasters of Johnny Marzetti; loaned silver (one knife was lost and Marj later found it in burned trash and had it resilvered). All this on card tables by candlelight and brought dirty dishes home to wash.
Urlin Mansion
The time Grandview football team was playing Athens. Patty Poulton's dad let me drive his Ford. Patty, Joyce, Nanciann, Rosemary Bitzer and M. France. Soon - Broad St - I could see clouds of smoke - put in oil - put oil in every whipstitch. Got to Canal Winchester and they had a carnival in the middle of town, so we detoured and got lost! Back on route and into Logan only a little late and ate. Then on to Athens. Now every dumbbell like me knows that after Logan comes Athens - so when we saw lights and a stadium, we paid and parked, but soon decided that wasn't our team or people. We were in Nelsonville, which I had always put on Ohio River! So we drove out and time was wasting. We got to Athens late so I let girls out and went to park. As I backed into a spot, the steering wheel (gear?) came off in my hands and there was a flash and then no lights. I put wheel back and went to find gas station. He didn't have Ford fuses, so went to another station. He fixed me up - and oil. Got to game at the half. Got home safely - despite fog that came up. On way home Patty said, "Oh, didn't Dad tell you about the steering wheel?"
When Joyce went to OSU, she was in Commerce College, in Retailing. Seemed to get cured working at Pogues in Cincinnati one quarter - field work, I guess. She lived in a Woman's House - Anna Marie Inn. She was working at Cols. Citizen soon and finally graduated and married. Joyce could never hang on to money - so many nice records - 45's; movies on the Avenue.
Can you imagine how furious I was, one Saturday, when Jonsie took care of Stan and I took the girls, 5 and 7, to see Babes in Toyland (I think). 2 cents for each of us and they (unannounced) started a western with someone shooting the eyes out of a man in a poster? Let my babies see such violence? I exploded - couldn't have money back. I don't remember more except that we stayed - had to wait in cold for street car and Stan hungry and crying when we were so late. Oh, the worries of a young mother.
She was christened Jean Anne but got fancy about high school time and changed her name to Jeanne. I wanted to call her Judy, but Jonsie thought it sounded like Judas so he named her Jean. She was a nice plump child. Joyce was so thin I took her to Dr. but he wasn't worried. When Joyce started to school, she had to have diptheria(?) shot - our old Dr. Lott didn't believe in them so I took her to Dr. Baxter, baby specialist. Jeanne was with us. Shots $3.00. He asked if I wanted Jeanne shot too and I said I couldn't afford it, He "Tut-tut-ed" and gave her one free.
Eddie Smith
Jeanne took dancing for years from Blanche and grew up with Janet Cochran, Blanche's daughter. Remember the chorus lines in the "Talent Shows"? In high school she went steady with Eddie Smith, son of Bryan and Helen Smith. Gene, also a son, was in Joyce's group; Joan Smith married Dick Klitch, basketball player at Miami U. (Ohio) and, now tennis pro. Terry, not at all athletic is a bridge expert. Eddie and Jeanne broke up after he went to Harvard.
Jeanne graduated in Education and taught at Dayton Oakwood for 2 years. Lived on Roberts Blvd. in a co-op house. Had her wallet "lifted" on the street one night. Went to San Diego to teach. Apartment with Martha Gephart (Patterson) and Martha Foreman and Gloria Seelig (Radebaugh). I stayed there for a week when we went to Rose Bowl game in 1955. We arrived in L.A. and Bob met us. Took us to two Pi Phi's house. (Nancy Collins Nelson and B.J. Craft Munsell). Stayed there Thursday. On Friday we went to town and that night, I went to bed and they went to hotel and made "whoopee" with OSU alums. Saturday, we went to parade route far from where you see on T.V. I had curb seats. It started to mist. I felt so bad for the poor floats until I realized they were flowers, not tissue paper. When parade was over, raining now, Bob, Jeanne, Jim Miller, and I drove to the Coliseum - pretty far - stopped at "joint" and had sandwiches. I don't remember who we played or if we won. What did it matter - I was there. It poured, cold too. I was o.k. With winter coat and plastic raincoat. Boys not too good in ordinary topcoats.
San Diego was nice. Zoo wonderful; took boat trip on harbor and nearly fell in - so excited over a sub, destroyers and fleet in "moth balls". Got on wrong bus coming home, but only had to walk a short way to be alright. (Once in Chicago, between trains to Spokane, I had an hour wait so went to see Slats Le Faivre, ex Deshler man and Grandview boy, ex Jeanne boyfriend, then in sales at Palmer House. Then boarded bus for round trip up Lake Front - only it wasn't round-tripping, the bus was going to bus barns. But they steered me to another bus.) Another time, I had visited with Joyce in Washington D.C. and was to meet the Holders when I flew to Seattle and go from there to Vancouver. I flew nonstop from Dulles Airport to Seattle. Got there at 8:30 p.m. No Holders. Waited until 10 p.m. Called Spokane. They were in bed. I was there on Tuesday and not due until Friday. All due to writing all plane information on one page (and senility?) That was a nice trip too. That night we drove too long and so missed out on handy motels. Finally found nice one near Bremerton and next morning, more warships! I liked Vancouver and Victoria because I like English things.
One year, before Mike, we went to Priest Lake. Beautiful. We all, Bob, Jeanne, and I slept in one room and in night Jeanne and I awoke. Bob never moved - we heard a noise outside! Bears, we thought!! Scared silly but we did get to back door and there was a huge skunk at the garbage can.
Then one year, to Lake Louise as they say - most beautiful. My suitcase didn't arrive when I did so we had to wait a day and picked it up on the way out. Also a small coffee pot. Jeanne thought or thinks coffee is poison. This was for me, but soon Bob was helping me drink it. We stayed the first night in Banff at a private house. Where we stayed after that, I have no idea. Saw some bears, Mt. Eisenhower, Lake Louise, and gorgeous colored flowers.
Jeanne had taken some food when we went and there was fruit left. When we hit border coming back, the U.S. Customs were going to confiscate it so we pulled over and madly ate oranges, plums, etc.
Jeanne and Bob first lived in a men's dorm at the U. of Idaho and tried to keep peace in the dorm. Then lived upstairs in house when Mike arrived. This was in Moscow, Idaho, Bob working in Chemistry and on masters degree. Then they moved to Spokane at 9th and Cedar, then Bob back to N.Y. for Merrill Lynch training (Jeanne and Mike stayed in Columbus), then back to Spokane to rent a house on Lincoln Place, next to the Livingstons, and then to E, 1027-28th.
In 1960, Bob went to N.Y. and while Jeanne and Mike were in Columbus she ended up in Grant Hospital with Dr. Puppel and thyroiditis. Martha Chambers, a neighbor, took care of Mike daytimes. I was at Deshler Hotel. She taught him to sit up.
I haven't mentioned the wedding of Bob and Jeanne. Jeanne arranged and paid for it. It was First Community Church with Dr. Roy Burkhart ("Burky") officiating. The rehearsal dinner was at "Stews". Since we didn't have room (6 room double house) Bob's mother and relatives stayed at Deshler. Aug. 6 was so, so hot. As Jeanne and Bob went down the aisle (headed out) the best man, Jim Miller, fainted. Also Mrs. Miller, Clark Miller's mother fainted at the reception. Then they left and stayed near Lake St. Marys, Ohio. Wedding party were Jim Miller, Bill Holder, (Bob's cousin), Stan, Joyce, Nadys, Macky, Linda Davis (Huffman). They now live at S. 2707 Rhyolite Rd. I enjoyed the large porch-deck at back.
Campfire Girls
I forgot to mention, Jeanne's Campfire days. When I had Joyce's bunch in C.F. of course, Stan and Jeanne had to he along. Then later Mrs. France (Ann and Joe's Mother, on Wyandotte) had a group of Jeanne's age girls.
Jeanne was voted cheerleader when a sophomore. Then for homecoming was on "Queens's court", What a time we had finding a dress. I think Diana Gonser wanted rose, B.J. Stevens, Marlese Neher was queen, Nadys Lewis, and Rita Lee. It was November and since we decided gold or yellow was best we had to shop all over town. Yellow was a summer color and it was fall. Finally found a long sleeved, tailored lime-colored dress. What a thrill to ride on the back of a convertible! (I read that they aren't going to make convertibles anymore--alas).
Thoughts of Jeanne - kitty chasing her up the stairs, spilling white paint on blue living room floor, how she finally learned to combat Joyce with her fingernails, how she and Joyce pitched in and kept house when I had my hysterectomy in 1967, her friendships with B.J. Stevens and Nadys Lewis, the old couple, the Marquarths, baby sitting with Beverly's.
Born September 7, 1933 in the midst of the "Depression". As usual, colicy. How many times he went up and down First Ave. in buggy, stroller, wagon, and tricycle. Boys then wore corduroy knickers and high top boots with a pocket for a knife. Would you say he was a sissy because he played with a doll? Buck Jones was a cowboy doll. The girls played with dolls, especially Jeanne, and had wooden beds for them. Either Mr. Butterworth or Loran Wolfrey made them. Joyce's was long for her Victorian doll, Jeanne's normal for baby doll, Stan's was small for Buck (could that be why he was called "Bucko"?)
When we moved to Fairview Ave., he was six and how wonderful to be able to move wrestlers, football and baseball players over there. Was handy for summer playground activities. How angry I would get at filthy, muddy sweatsocks. You can run so much better in stocking, feet - not slipping. We had a Cub Scout group, Met at our house - always had milk and those huge, chocolate donuts that Goodie Shop made. Stan, Dick and Chuck Galbreath, Bob Saltzer, Steve Miller, Weed, Short, Abbruzese, Lyle Shover was Scout Advisor (?) The afternoon we went to Grandview Woods for cook-out. Theoretically, you can take gallon tin can and cut holes in top and bottom of sides and build twig fire underneath and cook hamburgers on top. Somehow it didn't work well and we struggled. Steve Miller refused to eat any - too dirty. It may have been this trip that on the way home, in front of Deyo's someone told us that Pres. Roosevelt had died.
Then Stan was a Boy Scout, Camp Lazarus. The cottage near Old Man's Cave, where Lyle took them. Tad Weed, Al Short, Dick Abbruzzese, Bob Huck, Bob (Lefty) Jones, Tom Bogan, John Mock, (maybe more), and Stan. They couldn't get in Cottage, so had the idea of letting "little" Tad down the chimney on a rope. He got stuck and they had a time getting him out. When we got there to bring them home, they were taking a shower up the ravine, under a waterfall at Easter time! On the way home, someone asked Tad what his father would say when he saw his sooty underwear that Tad had stripped down to when he went down chimney. Of course, we didn't know what they were talking about. Later Stan was initiated into the Order of the Arrow. This gang went to New Mexico to Cimmaron in 1949. By bus. Real outdoor camping in mountains. Ask Stan about the poor little chipmunk he killed (slingshot?) and tanned and hung on wall for years.
Stan and gang played 8th grade, Reserve, and Varsity football. Always played Arlington on Armistice Day, Nov. 11. Played Reserve and Varsity Basketball and baseball. Usually worked in summer Canteen, Highway Dept, delivered Colliers Magazine when young. There were several Joneses in school, Bob (Clyde) Jones, Bob (Lefty) Jones, Bob and Stew Jones, even for a while Zane Jones. Jack Schmidt was one of the group though he went to Aquinas and later played against Stan in the Miami-Cincinnati game. Ralph Guglielmi went to Notre Dame.
When Stan graduated from high school he had an appointment to U.S. Naval Academy through John Bricker. Tutored with Lehman, eye exercises at OSU but failed eye test. So got football scholarship at Miami through high school coach Hugh Hindman. Worked in dining rooms at Miami.
Once, earlier, to my horror, they? left for Cadillac, Michigan to ski. No money, canned baked beans, sleeping bags. They found a shack and were o.k. I never heard too much about this trip.
The year of the Blizzard Bowl OSU vs. Michigan, it was 15 degrees, 10 inches of snow before afternoon was over. Stan and Tad Weed both had Jeeps. Made money pulling cars out of drifts. Jeanne had to stay at Pi Phi House, I went with Stew and Marj Harrison and luckily we got home all right. They let me out at 3rd Ave. and I waded home. Jonsie was supposed to be head linesman but couldn't get car away from curb so stayed home. Stan played Freshman football at Miami and joined Beta Theta Pi fraternity. 1st roommate was Jerry Smith, Bob Wallace, 2nd Daryl Hedrick and Dick Klitch, and next Moody Baker and Bob Bronston; 4th: Daryl Hedrick; finally Beta House. It was here that Joan Smith met Klitch, Stan worked 2? summers at Armco and hitch hiked to Oxford every night from Middletown. No student was allowed to have a car at school. When he graduated he was a 2nd Lt. in Air Corp. having been in AFROTC. He was ordered to Bermuda to serve his 2 years. Couldn't fly on count of eyesight (goody-goody) so was in computer work.
He lived in Bay Cottage near downtown Hamilton, Bermuda, roommates, Larry Quinn, Roger Sherman and J. Hodgson. He had Morris Minor car. Janey Goring, a Jamaican woman cleaned 3 times a week and we still exchange Christmas cards. I was so intrigued with the blue waters in ocean, the chameleons running around, the odd noise the crickets made, the way the ocean liners tied up right beside the main street, the going-away party on hoard the liner, with champagne for Col. Franke who was leaving, the climb up to the top of the Gibbs Lighthouse (80 steps), the sand on the beaches, my disappointment at the taste of Scones, the oldest church in New World. Stan even got to visit Joyce in Washington D.C. He went as member of a tennis team! When he came home he tried OSU engineering, Nationwide Insurance Co., with Jonsie in government work, Then Herbert needed a teacher so Stan went to Wellston for 2 years. Lived with Herbert and Lauretta. Then came to Grandview and taught math and asst. coach. Married Joanne Nichols. Played semipro football with Columbus Colts and then coached them. Went to IBM then Dwight Spencers, then his own company. Let him tell you about the day before Christmas, 1974 when he and associates had to move everything in a hurry, due to Bankruptcy of shoe company from whom he rented his quarters.
I haven't mentioned the Fairview Ave. neighbors. When we moved in, Cochrans lived next door south, Grandma, Elizabeth, Bernard, Charles, and Kathryn, who had a son, Billy Lauer. Conners came in when they left, then several others. In the other half of double, first lived Bob and May Pickering and children Bobby and Sally and May's folks, Nanny and Jack. Bob worked at Williams Grocery until the war, then went to Ranco and another woman, then to war. They were young. May went to work at Denison Engineering and another man. Finally to Florida and saw them no more. A typical war situation, The Santelers came next: Irv, Rose, and children, Sandra and John. Then several others not close. Biaginis bought house from Ed Huffman and lived there with Butch, when I left. We paid $25.00 a month in 1940 and $75 in 1971.
In a brick house north (a house which Mrs. Partridge had moved across the street from school grounds) Mrs. Partridge lived. She was my 4th grade teacher. Her husband had been principal of the school (8 grades) but left her for another woman. She stayed and taught and built the double. She owned Cochran's house too. She died and Hunter and Lily Chambers - about 1977 - inherited with his brother all three houses. Hunter bought out brothers' interest and owned them all. We were very close friends. I'm sure Lily drove Jonsie wild with her chatter but I liked her. Sam is son and lives there now with wife, Martha, and 6 children, Cayman, Steve, Jeffrey, Cheryl, ? , Sara Jane. Hunter and Lily moved to a hill out of Sugar Grove, Ohio and now Lily lives there alone. I especially remember the trips to Krogers on Grandview Ave. or dry cleaners on Wednesday afternoon when they were always closed, and the times we sat in the kitchen and cut up fruit for Mrs. Hoffman's fruitcakes. Sam and family are now Jehovah's Witnesses.
The Ed Schwaebles, Ed and Jean, children Judy and Julie Nardones - the time on Sat. afternoon when Stan's gang was there at our house "messing around", made Kool-Aid, sat on back step shooting BB's at target and Mr. Nardone called cops.
The time Mr. Keitz, mayor, arrested (?) them for driving down First Ave., probably too many of them, singing in Jeep.
Weishaupts: Stan delivering Dispatches broke big, front window. Very windy. I was in kitchen of church, helping prepare for annual Cub Scout dinner when he told me. She was nice and told him it was insured. I was so shocked, years later, when she told me he brought her a box of candy.
So endeth my "Memoirs." Before I go to Spokane again and join the Holder family and Bob's Mother, Amy Holder and we all go to Hawaii on Christmas Morning, 1975.
I'm going to add names as I think of them and you add your memories, silently.
Loran and Florence Wolfrey - an electrician Jonsie met during real estate times - became very good friends. Wolfrey especially fond of Jeanne. They used to come out Sunday afternoons and play cards, drink beer and have supper. But do you think she would help make doll clothes for Christmas - on Sunday? Her mother taught her that she would have to rip all the stitches out, with her nose, in Hell.
Beldens lived back of Butterworths. High wall and pool. "Rich" people. Mary went to Columbus School for Girls. Jeanne baby sat for Mary's children. Was it Jeanne who saw Mrs. B's wig on the bed while she was sitting and ran so Mrs. B. didn't know she saw it? I heard she had lost hair and eyebrows through sickness - but a wig? In those days?
Hiram Bronsons, house back of us. Girls: Leisa, Mary and Nancy. And the nurse.
John and Randall Clark. Mado Shore. She told me once, when she was at our house, she made most of my clothes through high school. Mother showed her 7 dresses she had made for me. Of course, we wore middies and skirts most of the time.
Sanfords on Lincoln Rd - Carol, Irene (Renie), and Marion (Pooch), Bob Haines, football player and brother, Dick, who played ukulele and coached a summer baseball team.
Dave and Peggy Purkey (she married Dick Eagle and is the librarian who sends me books from library)
Cash's Dime Store. Joyce and Jeanne worked there.
Mrs. Swinehart, librarian.
Bob Livingston, Chief of Police.
Dora Reynolds and hat shop on Avenue. (Joyce and Jeanne worked there.)
The cafe at corner of Third and Grandview and Joyce knew the artist who ran it for a while.
Don Huckowner of "Canteen" - Bob and sister, Marion.
Ed Bogan and wife Ruth. Sons Tom and Jack, Tom's grandfather Amor Bogan and wife.
Alex and Marie Short and Al and Pat (killed in war in 1940)
Dominic Abruzzese and Mary, Dick and Don.
Roy and Claire Weed and Tad.
B.J. Stevens and interesting family.
Martha Hale and sister, Marilyn who died in her 20's.
Singletons - he so nice - she standoffish.
Roseanne and Nancy.
Mrs. Gardner and Martha, whose clothes were "handed down" to us.
Rosemary Bitzer and brother Clarkson (What ever happened to him?)
McClellands with whom Jeanne went to Lake Erie to baby sit one summer.
Don Christopher.
Bob Dudley--basketball coach in high school.
Devlins, Tittle, Warner Curran, Bob Morris (Morso), Virgil Snowball.
Patty Cochran and brother, Jack (no relation to Janet).
Rook house-when Stan was pledged, he could stand under the mantel, later could not. So many memories there.
Ara Parseghian, coached Stan at Miami.
Bill Hess, Hugh Hindman, Chuck Thackera, Chet Hannahs at Grandview, Ted Eaton.
Margaret Williams, deaf, learning photography so took photos of children (father was Howard, Jonsie met him selling real estate at Upper Arlington Co.)