Final Salute Digital Timeline

On Veterans Day, November 11, 2023, the Society, in collaboration with the Grandview Heights Public Library (GHPL), introduced its second interactive timeline. With information digitized from the Society's Final Salute publication, this timeline honors individuals from Grandview Heights and Marble Cliff who died in the service to our country. The timeline provides a brief description of each individual's military service. The Final Salute timeline joins the general history timeline which depicts the history of our communities and is located on the second floor of GHPL.

The interactive timeline offers a unique way for the community to engage with and remember the brave individuals from Grandview Heights and Marble Cliff. Have you had a chance to explore the timeline at the Library? Check it out the next time you’re there.

You can preview the Final Salute here. The general historical timeline can be viewed here.

Copies of the original print publication of Final Salute are available for purchase from the Society here.


Moment in Time (originally submitted to ThisWeek News for publication September 2, 2020)


Moment in Time (originally submitted to ThisWeek News for publication October 29, 2014)