Tell us your Coronavirus story

Residents of Grandview Heights and Marble Cliff are living through a period of history in the making. Years from now the stories of how each of us addressed challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic will illustrate for future generations the impact of the virus. We want to hear your coronavirus story. Community members of all ages are invited to submit a personal essay of life during the pandemic, either in writing or by video.  Photos are also welcome to document your experience. Articles don't need to be lengthy and can document a single event or activity rather than the entire duration of your COVID-19 experience. The following are suggested limits: articles to 600 words and videos to 5 minutes. Please include your name, age, contact information and whether you are a Grandview Heights or Marble Cliff resident. Articles, videos and photos may be used in Society communications or publications. Send your article, video and/or photos to the Society at: 


submit them as a comment on our Facebook page, as a tweet to our Twitter account, or as an Instagram posting to our Instagram account. All submissions will be compiled and made available on our website.

How Coronavirus Impacted us Locally…

Story #1 - submitted by Teri Williams on June 25, 2020

My father died during this extraordinary time. He lived in Grandview and Marble Cliff more than 60 of his almost 89 years. He served his country, raised 4 children, served on the school board for 8 of those years. He was a very active member of the Tri-Village Lions Club and the Chamber of Commerce. He ran his business in Marble Cliff. His church, friends and family were in the Tri-Villages.

Ralph Antolino, Sr. left this world on April 5th 2020. Covid-19 was listed on his death certificate, but not the cause of his death. Due to the pandemic he was alone at his death. There was no funeral allowed. His burial was only attended by 8 of his family due the rules of no more than 10 at a gathering, even outside. Priest and funeral director counted in the allowed number of 10 even for outside at the cemetery.  A sadly subordinary event for such a wonderfully extraordinary man. I’m sorry you didn’t get to say goodbye to him.

Story #2 - submitted by Rick Mangini on July 3, 2020

Iconic sign of the times. My Ava.

Ava Giacobbe

First Communion, June, 2020.

Greenwood, Indiana

Daughter of Sarah (Mangini) Giacobbe and Brian Giacobbe

Sarah 2001 Grandview High School Graduate

Grand Daughter of Rick and Nancy Mangini of Grandview.


Moment in Time (October 27, 2021)


Moment in Time (October 20, 2021)