History Walks

History Walks

History Walks is a collaborative effort between the Grandview Heights/Marble Cliff Historical Society (GH/MCHS) and the Grandview Heights Public Library (GHPL). The tour is FREE; download the app at ‪grandviewhistorywalks.org‬ or from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

The rich history of Grandview Heights and Marble Cliff includes inspiring structures, notable residents, ecological landmarks, and stories too numerous to share. Providing historical information to local residents, visitors, and the general public helps ensure this amazing past is preserved for future generations.

History Walks is a collection of walking tours, each with approximately 8 - 9 stops for which the associated history is described. Each tour is approximately two miles long and will take around 1.5 hours to complete on foot. Additional themed tours are added to the app. We encourage walking, running, or biking the tour routes to get the most benefit from this experience.

Click here to see more about the current and past tours.

An original “Walking” Tour was developed by the Society many years ago as a website-only based tour of our communities. It offers a more limited description of sites in Grandview Heights and Marble Cliff. You can follow pathways on a map of the community to learn details about buildings, homes, people and events.