The 100+ Year-Old House marker program has ended for 2024. Thank you to all homeowners who participated. The program will be active again in 2025. New applications will be taken after July 1, with markers delivered mid-August. The 2025 display period will be September and October. For homeowners who received markers in 2024, it is time to remove those markers and save them for display again during September and October 2025.
Grandview Heights and Marble Cliff each can boast a collection of homes of architectural and historical significance. The Marker program affords an opportunity to highlight those homes. It is yet another chapter in our goal to tell our communities’ story. The 2024 display period for your marker of September and October has ended. You will have an opportunity to display your marker again during September and October of 2025.
What are the goals of this program?
To acknowledge the broad spectrum of century-old homes in Grandview Heights and Marble Cliff.
To provide a sense of community pride and enrichment through education.
To celebrate your home’s place in history.
To instill the importance of preservation efforts today and how they may impact our tomorrow.
Who can apply for a 100+ Year-Old Home Marker?
Your home must be at least 100 years old as of December 31st of the current year. (e.g., for 2024, built in 1924 or before).
Your home must be located in either Grandview Heights or Marble Cliff.
Your home’s facade must retain the historic character of the home. Renovations should not have eliminated the original historic nature of the structure’s facade. A new or completely renovated/remodeled facade would make the home ineligible.
Where can I find out what year my house was built?
The Franklin County Auditor’s website is a good starting point (
Sanborn Insurance Maps from 1922 can help verify dates of construction. These maps are available at the Columbus Metropolitan Library downtown or online with a valid library card. (Please note: addresses were all revised sometime after 1922). Once the maps are access, thes earch is conducted using the following parameters: 1) Select Columbus; 2) Select 1921-22 Volume 6; 3) Select street address; and, 4) Enter name of the street
Other sources may be an abstract, a newspaper notice, etc.
What do I do next if my house qualifies and I would like a marker?
You must complete an application.
The online application will be made available July 1, 2025.
Is there a cost to participate in the Marker program?
Current Society Member - If you are a current member and have paid your dues, your first marker was free in 2024. You only need to complete an online application.
New Society Member – If you become a new member you will receive a free initial marker. You will need to do the following:
First, complete an application.
Next, become a member, complete an online membership application. Annual memberships are offered: $30.00 for Single or $60.00 for Family.
Marker Only - If you do not want to become a Society member, the cost was $10 for 2024. Note: future costs may increase if production costs increase. You will need to do the following:
First, complete an application.
Next, the cost of a marker is $10. If you complete an online application, you can pay through that process.
Replacement Marker - If you need a replacement marker, the cost was $10 for 2024. Note: future costs may increase if production costs increase.
First, complete an online application.
Next, once you complete an online application, you pay through that process.
How do I obtain a Marker once I have completed the application process?
Once you have submitted your application and it is accepted, your marker will be delivered to your home.
Where should the Marker be placed?
The marker should be placed in the front yard of your house close to your front door and visible from public walkways.
When are the Markers to be displayed?
The marker should be placed in your yard only during September and October.
An e-mail will be sent to remind you to put your marker out and to take it down.
Please store markers in a dry location so you can reuse the marker next year. If you need a replacement marker they can be purchased from the Society (see above).